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Gratitude: A recipe for Manifesting Intention


Rock - Gratitude: A recipe for Manifesting Intention


As Tumeric and Mango are super-foods, gratitude could be considerd as the super-emotion. It not only increases happiness by 10% but it also reduces depressive symptoms by 35%. Showing gratitude is the simplest, most powerful things humans can do for eachother. 


"If the only prayer you say is thank you, that would be enough". - Eckhart

The Gratitude & Happiness Link:

Putting Eckhart's advice to action, the first step in sharing gratitude is as simple as saying "Thank You". My practice of giving thanks starts with family, they have always believed in me and given me the freedom to be the best me I can be. Even sharing this sentiment feels so happy!

Upon waking, it's customary for Native Americans to say "thank you for this day", no matter what kind of day it is, "thank you for this life", no matter what kind of life it is, and "thank you for this water, because without it I would not have life". According to a 2005 article in American Psychologist publication, "A one-time act of thoughtful gratitude produces an immediate 10% increase in happiness and 35% reduction in depressive symptoms. Not only are the positive effects of gratitude immediate but according to the research they are long lasting.

Gratitude is a Relationship Strengthener:

The act of sharing creates closer relationships. At home, work, with friends, family, neighbors, pets, significant others, we maintain relationships and above all else with a spiritual or higher being. One study from Kubacka dated June 2011, found that "gratitude motivates partners to engage in relationship maintenence". Next time you see a good friend, make an effort to give thanks for your frienship. This act is so easily overlooked and will strenthen the bond between you.

Wellness Increases with Gratitude:

Research at the HESA is focused on innovative products, pathways and techniques that transform human health, energy, nutrition and longevity. HESA research confirms that gratitude is necessary for optimum health. Patients recovering from heart related illnesses who expressed gratitude for their care on a regular basis experienced significantly shorter recovery times.

Gratitude Encourages Pro-Social Behavior:

Demonstrating gratitude daily - whether in a work situation, in an email to a client or stranger at the market, you are consciously promoting pro-social behavior: voluntary acts intended to benefit another. In doing so, you are bringing yourself more joy and radiating happiness into the world. Write a "Thank You" note and see how uplifting it feels! When we give love and share our love with all, we feel elevated. Love is everything, it's everywhere and it's the universal language.

The next step towards the final stage of setting intention is to practice the presence. Be present in the moment, be present in your life. Slow down, notice nature, a dragonfly, an act of gratitude. Upon waking, give thanks! Feel it, experience it now, you are alive!

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